Impact Analysis for Reducing the Activity Level at Schiphol

On 24 June 2022, Minister Harbers of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management announced that the Dutch Government will reduce the maximum number of aircraft movements to and from Schiphol to 440,000 per year, instead of the 500,000 aircraft movements specified in the ontwerp-Luchthavenverkeersbesluit (LVB). At the same time, the Minister published the Impactanalyse Verlaging Activiteitenniveau Schiphol (Impact Analysis for Reducing the Activity Level at Schiphol). This impact analysis was performed by PwC/strategy&, Adecs Airinfra and MovingDot. The report analyses the social impact of various scenarios for reducing activities at Schiphol compared to the pre-corona activity level. PwC/S& focused on the economic effects, Adecs Airinfra calculated noise effects, emissions and external safety, and MovingDot reflected on operational safety, workability and continuity.

We are proud of the result and thank the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management for the trust they have placed in us to bring this independent analysis to a successful conclusion.

The report is published here.